Sicily Pavilion at Vinitaly: Colomba Bianca welcomes the first 30thousand eco-responsible bottles

S i c i l y P a v i l i o n a t V i n i t a l y : C o l o m b a B i a n c a w e l c o m e s t h e f i r s t 3 0 t h o u s a n d e c o - r e s p o n s i b l e b o t t l e s

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“Cara Terra”, a new project coming from one of the biggest wine cooperatives of the island. 
COLOMBA BIANCA WELCOMES THE FIRST 30THOUSAND ECO-RESPONSIBLE BOTTLES From organic hand-harvested grapes, provided with recyclable packaging: 
here the “natural wine” with a new brand signed by the Trapani heritage, that sees 2480 winegrowers gathering together, selling 2,9 million bottles in 2021 throughout the world
“Cara Terra”, a new project coming from one of the biggest wine cooperatives of the island. 
COLOMBA BIANCA WELCOMES THE FIRST 30THOUSAND ECO-RESPONSIBLE BOTTLES From organic hand-harvested grapes, provided with recyclable packaging: 
here the “natural wine” with a new brand signed by the Trapani heritage, that sees 2480 winegrowers gathering together, selling 2,9 million bottles in 2021 throughout the world

In the wine industry, Sustainability does not cover only the impact of agricultural activities, but also the water and energy saving, going from the wealth of winegrowers to the health of consumers. The “ecologically sound” development is subject of ongoing research, and it requires a more and more good-practices oriented design.

In line with these goals, Colomba Biancaone of the greatest Sicilian wine cooperatives, extending over 6.800 hectares of vineyards in the Trapani area, with 2480 associate growers and 6 cellars, leading company in Europe for the organic wine production – launched the brand “Cara Terra” during the Vinitaly exhibition in Verona. 

A real “dedication to Salemi and Sicily”: that’s how this new eco-friendly project was described, launching onto the market the first 30thousand “eco-responsible bottlesof organic natural wine. From hand-harvested grapes, we are facing an unfiltered wine with the PGI Salemi designation. 

«A journey that began years ago – explains Dino Taschetta, president of Colomba Bianca, a reality that worked over 120thousand quintals of organic grapes only in 2021, representing 24% of the total production at global level – along with the VIVA and SOStain sustainable certifications, the winegrowers advocacy on environmental issues and the technological innovation concerning the rationalisation of resources. Today, this path carries on with “Cara Terra” and it is provided with a comprehensive approach of circular economy, from the source to the glass, based on a fully sustainable product packaging. We truly believe in the social value of the company, in the sense of responsibility that compels us to do even more and even better to protect the present, and provide future generations with a new vision connected to the land and the territory».

An equation where “taste” and “right” must walk together with an agro-ecological approach for protecting the ecosystem, reducing the air-water-soil pollution, pursuing bio-economy and green chemistry. 

Last year, Colomba Bianca registered 527.730 quintals of grapes provided by associate growers, and 2,9 million of bottles sold throughout the world, thus strengthening its green soul. «From the round-shaped label made of FSC certified Italian paper coming from the recycling of pomace, recalling the circular economy and the recycling of raw materials – says Marisa Leo, marketing and communication manager of Colomba Bianca, as well as soul of the project – to the bottle glass, made of 96% of recycled glass, with no capsule, and 100% recyclable corks, composed of 50% recycled raw materials.

Everything is shipped in 100% recycled and recyclable cardboard boxes.

We are facing with courage and great commitment the challenges that lie ahead, and that the wine industry is currently experiencing for reducing the environmental impact: going beyond words, we want to bring the wine in our tables with concrete actions, while respecting tradition, territory and nature».


 Colomba Bianca was founded in 1970, and today it represents the greatest winegrowers cooperative of the Sicilian scene, and the most important wine and organic wine Italian producer. 

1.800 hectares – mainly located in the Trapani area – organically grown and certified, represented by a productive capacity of over 14.000.000 litres of organic wine. 

A reality in constant motion, open to the world, and provided with solid roots in the land and in community

 In the last years, the cooperative embarked on a growth project by developing a range of wines in compliance with market-based principles, finding its best expression in organic wines, sparkling wines and several niches production. 

Today, Colomba Bianca is widespread in the Sicilian HORECA Channel, and in great expansion in the rest of Italy. Significant increase also for the export department: today, Colomba Bianca exports permanently in 26 nations and in different continents.

 Placed near the vineyards, Colomba Bianca cellars are designed for the single production specializations, and provided with cutting-edge technologies. 

The vineyards are located in those areas that benefit from a wide soil and climate diversity, from the coastline til the over 600 metres above sea level, a mosaic of terroir that enhances and intensifies each individual vine variety. 

Main areas of production: Marsala, Mazara del Vallo, Campobello di Mazara, Partanna, Santa Ninfa, Salemi, Vita, Calatafimi-Segesta, Alcamo, Trapani, Paceco, Fulgatore, Dattilo, Gibellina, Poggioreale, Salaparuta.