C a r a T e r r a

From hand harvested grapes

Colomba Bianca, a pioneer company in the sicilian organic Winemaking production.


Cara Terra

Cara Terra is dedicated to our land, a project that illustrates the commitment of Colomba Bianca In producing sustainable wines with respect for the environment. Organic and sustainable wine – IGP salemi/2021 Cara terra is a brand produced with care, dedicated to our land.

Respect for the land through the reduction of our impact on the planet.
In doing so, we start from our roots: IGP SALEMI.

Cara Terra

Cara Terra Bianco

Cara Terra, a line dedicated to the respect for the environment and the territory. From hand-harvested grapes, Cara Terra is a white organic and sustainable wine, produced by reducing our impact on the planet to the minimum.

Cara Terra

Cara Terra Rosso

Da uve raccolte a mano, Cara Terra rosso è un vino biologico e sostenibile, prodotto attraverso la riduzione al minimo del nostro impatto sul pianeta, a partire dalla produzione in vigneto fino al packaging 100% sostenibile. Il Cara Terra vino rosso è un vino a denominazione IGP Salemi e proviene dalle campagne del bassopiano

cara terra

Origin of the name

Cara Terra is dedicated to our land, a project that illustrates the commitment of Colomba Bianca In producing sustainable wines with respect for the environment. Cara terra is a brand produced with care, dedicated to our land.
